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Is it Information or Misinformation?

Has anyone seen Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 11/9"?
I would love to hear the opinions from members of all sides of the political spectrum.

Unity 8 Aug 25

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From a libertarian perspective (don't care for either political extreme), I'd venture to say Moore's documentary cited above is largely propaganda fuel for his personal agenda(s), and in the past he had failed fact checks- []


Some of the times when he made factual statements regarding political matters, ironically enough such proved corruption from leftwing politicians, even though Moore himself claims to be leftwing. For example, he once said that Goldman Sachs was Barack Obama's number one private contributor, which turned out to be true, and was proof that Obama was just another corporate shill despite trying to claim otherwise.

That said, can't say I'd put much stock in much of anything Moore says, he's the leftwing equivalent to Breitbart News, and you and I both know Breitbart is not a trustworthy source. Just my take on Michael Moore.


I voted for Bernie in the primary but his supporters have to someday look at reality.

How many allies did he have in Congress?

With too few allies there, nothing he wanted would pass and his presidency would fail.


While mostly factual, Moore reliably overstates the situation for dramatic effect. It is certainly agitprop even though in service to legitimate issues, so that would make it what, informative misinformation? It should not be considered reliable information; only a starting point for additional research.


I saw it too long ago to remember more than the name, but I liked Moore’s whistleblowing.
IMO, 9/11 was a long-delayed payback for US mid-east foreign policy during the Cold War.

I believe it came out in 2018. I'm gonna check out Fahrenheit 9/11 next

@Unity I effed up and confused it with the 1966 movie Fahrenheit 451, the bookburning movie.


How he has managed to not get himself shot of seriously beat up always amazes me.


I didn't know it was a thing. I'll have to check it out and get back to you!!

I thought it was informative. Example: I wasn't aware of how delegates handed Hillary Clinton the nomination that should have went to Bernie. There's a lot there that I wasn't aware of. It's thought provocative.

@Unity I did know about that. And Bernie's people were slammed for saying it was stolen

@JonnaBononna I figured you'd know. 😄

@Unity I haven't seen the film, but I already knew Bernie was robbed of the nomination, and that his people got bashed for crying foul, not the winning side that cheated. The corporate media never sides with a progressive in a fight against a corporate Dem.

@Unity you should- you've seen my Facebook posts!


I haven't seen it for a long time, but I think he's a pretty good fact checker.

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