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LINK Robert F. Kennedy’s sons support release of dad’s assassin

Well, how about that.

Wonder if they'll now find out who was really behind the assassination of Robert Kennedy?

Such a time in US history, the assassinations, Vietnam false flags, the Manson Cult "Helter Skelter" (sure, right) and well, all the rest of it. You've got to hand it the the US agencies back then -- they really knew how to false flag, psy ops, and cover story, didn't they? These days, well, look how they botched Jeffrey Epstein's "suicide". Lost their touch, or maybe they just don't care if people suspect them of doing whatever the hell they like and anyway there's always mainstream media in the US to play ball.

No, 5 will get you it'll be kept wrap. Doubt he'd have gotten parole otherwise.

David1955 8 Aug 27

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why pin the insanity of human life on "the agencies"? why blame our multiple catastrophes on some superior organized elite with a presumably secret agenda? are not we perfectly capable in generating millions of independent horrid psychotic behavior storms, from the ground up, evil but in the final analysis plotless, except to show that as a species our own intelligence, taken in the mass, is too much for us to deal with? they say one in every 100 people is a psychotic. i think the actual number is higher but many hide behind another of our species skills....self camouflage. do we as a race need to maintain the fiction of black hat/ bad guy all powerful agencies to avoid looking at our own generally consistent hearts of darkness? my god, the planets on fire now! is that "'the agencies" work ?


Today's right wing would make him out to be a patriot hero.


Bishari claimed he remembered nothing. My guess has always been with Thane Cesar over all these years. He was the one close enough to kill RFK if everyone was distracted.


I have always heard that Sirhan Sirhan was a Manchurian candidate. Soon as the assassination was carried, he had no recollection of the events, suggesting that he may have been hypnotized.

@David1955 i get it .......... youre kidding around.

@David1955 curious. do you see the black lives matter and the feminism agit-prop machine like propaganda storm being propagated right now through npr , pbs, all the netorks except fox, even including interlocking progaganda themes as conspiracy, or a diversionary arm ofa conspiracy? i can't see how you couldnt. and its product is much clearer than sirhan sirhan's. do you see the non stop propaganda fest as a smoke screen hiding nefarious "agency" ends?i can't get interested in cops and robbers theories of agency conspiracy, my basic antipathy to the humans in general leaves me a thorough going anti - human rasist. if the planet has any chance at all of surviving our current insanity, it would be by some regional amalgum of chinese and japanese intelligence taking over. an impossibility, of course, things are too far gone now. and it would take a book to show the faulty connection between power and intelligence among al the human tribes.. but then, who would read it? the same ones doing allthis "research"?

this "research" you urge on us, does your research rest on a base of personal happyness, misery, something else? that is key.

@David1955 ..what a co inky dink! i am also an ex formal student of american history, social and intellectual. i got sick of that world and left iit (though not my interest in it) for personal reasons, years ago. but i applaud your persuit of it. but that is not reason for you to assume an unjustified high perch and succumb to loftyism. your first step toward the light i feel your mind deserves would be abandoning your suit. and now, thesuit and your tone make me wonder if youve made your way into some sort of establishment history sinecure. ive seen your mind work well to a point: therefore, my second advisory, abondon the sinecure. chompsky made it work, but theyre generally the kiss of death for free thought. look at you, reduced to lecturing to the snakes and the scorpions here on agnostic. i will admit your lofty pose here seems successful. but why choose to preside here in this barrel bottom? UNLESS YOUR LOOKING FOR THAT RAREST OF THINGS, A FREE THOUGHT out of nowhere.. or is it easy atta boy band aids for a stunted ego youre looking for? now there is some fancy-pants psycho babble!

which brings me to ........ i am suprised that you characterize my first thoughts as psycho babble. perhaps its a rushed judgement and not your best thinking. apparently theres a strain of high tone psycho babble that you like, but my words don't meet the mark? you make it hard for me to address the question (id like to!) because i don't know what words you took babble-offense to. ignore my happyness-misery riff if you'd prefer. it was meanmt as a possible overture to a rich and deep conversation. time would have told whether babble or not. it would have been a difficult conversation, i willingly abandon it.

but my words around the black lives matter/feminism riff, a major pre occupation of mine and an all consuming obsession for the media world. a taboo subject, my more important words.....about these words you have nothing to say . i was asking you for some free thought on these words, nothing came back. that raises a much more serious question than your babble charge. its not too late! say something smart and free about it. fullfill your potential? it could be the conversation of the century. we could have it privately if you have the well founded fears i would have if i were you of the effect it would have on your fan base here.

but for gods sake don't tell me to study my punctuation. unless youre trying to sound like an ass.
as for my punctuation, im a fan of ee cummings. remember that free old guy? im keeping it. why don't you study cummings? start with THE ENORMOUS ROOM. no suits in that jail cell.


If Governor Gavin Newsome has any brains, he will veto the parole, which he has the power to do. It would be a shrewd political move, maybe enough to help him survive the recall. It would also be the right thing to do.

Yeah because Newsom has fucked California into the dirt.

@Heavykevy1985 Is that where you get fucked? In the dirt?

@barjoe no but you obviously speak from personal experience, dirt bag. Considering that millions have left California with skyrocketing crime and homelessness. The same Gavin Newsom who forced Californians to shut down their restaurants all the While eating in a room with eleven other people at French Laundry with no masks on or social distancing


I sadly have to agree with you. Like what really happened on 9-11, the American public will never get to know the real stories behind the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, nor even about Paul Wellstone or Mel Carnahan, probably all of which involved the assistance of the CIA or military intelligence services. And to think that most Americans don't even realize how often these agencies interfere with foreign governments, why would they suspect them of interfering with our domestic politics? Of course, you and I know why they do, because the powers that be don't trust or want the peasants to actually have any power or say in who really runs things here. We are supposed to just participate or not in our charade of elections and democracy, or not, and just drop out. Either way, it really doesn't matter to them as long as they get their pre-vetted, already bought candidates in place to run things for them.

@David1955 You are right about all of it and covered all of it. Here in the US we are completely screwed between the system, the corporate media, and the sheeple behavior of the masses.

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