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LINK Harvard's New Head Chaplain: Young People Are Looking For A Non-Religious Alternative : NPR

At Harvard University, more than 40 chaplains attend to the spiritual well-being of the university's students, faculty and staff. They have elected a new president. He is Greg Epstein, the humanist chaplain at Harvard. In other words, he serves the humanist, atheist, agnostic and non-religious at the university and larger community. He also represents the fast-growing number of Americans who do not associate themselves with a religious group, sometimes referred to as nones, as in no affiliation, a group that now rivals white evangelicals and Catholics in size.

snytiger6 9 Aug 30

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The end times is come for religion as the nones grow.


For decades I've used & enjoyed the practice of Zen as a replacement for religion, because it has no gods, no belief system, no scriptures, no preachers, and no rituals except for sitting quietly and not thinking now and then (which can be called "meditation" ).


All news about stupidity and ignorance aka religion dying is great news.

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