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Update on my car being backed into in a private parking lot. It took this long to get this far, but the lady's insurance went through Dallas to come back to Dace Agency who handles Liberty who is involved with Safeco. It seems that Safeco out of California is the real insurance adjuster. Today I got an e-mail from them thanking me for my pictures of car damage and the estimate of $1065 in repairs that I sent them. They promise to be back with me soon on this matter.

Repairs and the place of repair is my choice and I expect a check in the mail. They dodge you around in hopes you might give up. I even reminded the adjuster that "you must be in control of your vehicle at all times." This is the real bottom line.

DenoPenno 9 Sep 3

Enjoy being online again!

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In case others are reading this let me say again that I live in mid Missouri. The insurance run around is what I have went through on getting this settled and I have come this far with it because my insurance lady knows the one who backed into me and she also witnessed it. Do people give wrong insurance info in order to protect themselves? The goal of insurance seems to be to collect your money but never having to pay out.

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