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Religion adapts to the needs and desires of its adherents. Believers need to feel they receive something from their beliefs even if it means contradicting central tenets of what they claim to beIieve.

RussRAB 8 Sep 5

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Not all of those goals are bad.


what is the faint star tattoo on dwight's left fore arm? looks like he feel he needs to be "making the scene", but also it looks designed it so that the make up girl can paint it over and disappear it should it be unsuitable for some future role. good thinking dwight! social pressure .... go figure.


Christianity is a way for people to feel special because I’m better than you because I’m going to heaven and you’re going to hell. It’s a way to completely forget your faults and not work on them and focus on others big sons like LGBTQ and feel better for ostracizing them. Kinda like a country club membership. I’m better than you cause I’m in the club.


I am sure all these differences have been run by the man himself for approval.


I agree with this tenet totally. It is but yet another reason that I will not touch anything that even comes close to being a religion. Not ever again. True that I lean towards the time concept as being an eternal "now" but I do so without Zen or Buddha.


It's an interesting perspective from a non religious pov.


Rainn Wilson is a Baha'i. That's a religion. Rejecting Christianity for yet another stupid religion is fugazi in my book.

When I first left Mormonism, I thought of finding another religion, but I quickly realized that the core reasons I left the Mormon church were true for every other religion as well. They had no more proof of their version of God than anyone else and they began with an assumption of that their God was real.

@RussRAB Religion is a matter of having the answer 1st, then finding the questions that fit the answer.

The Baha’i Faith does not reject Christianity, it affirms it. Rainn Wilson is commenting on the approprIation of the name Jesus Christ and subsequent metamorphosis of that name into a symbol for beliefs that are ideologically opposed to the teachings of Jesus.


Religion tends to start out as an idea from a single source - this is 'Social Action'. As it grows becoming dominant, those in power swallow this this new force infiltrating it and bending it to their will and needs. Now we will see how religion becomes a strong 'Functionalist' element cementing society.
Thus, as can be seen within Islam that the religion which grew with help and drive from Mohammed's wife that women are seen as mere property, not because of the teachings of Mohammed, but from the existing societal rules predating Islam.
So looking at Yeshua or Jesus as Christians know him, may have been an early communist and Comrade to the people which riles against White American values and perceived 'god given rights'.
When Yeshua was around (given the benefit of the doubt as to his existence) there were no firearms or nation states on earth. Yet the ignorant fail to think about earthly and societal changes, even arguing the minutia of the language in the King James bible explaining events in said book in the manner of lawyers, forgetting the English language had not yet been spoken, let alone how it has changed since James VI/I wrote it.
Thus following the American revolution (1774-83) 'We the People' have twisted religion to fit the needs of the powerful to secure their authority and power over the people. Using basic psychology and sociology to make the masses self oppress b y surrendering their will to greater authority of god and his agents.
In God, we should never trust.....

@Gwendolyn2018 This from a rough draft on mega churches in America I was writing in 2020, being an unrequired part of my Social Sciences degree studies. I'm taking a couple of years out to practice psychology and sociology in field.

@Gwendolyn2018 I agree with you. As I see it, a more practical 'god' would be the moment of 'creation'. I don't think it has any gender or personality. It simply is, and all that there is. We may very well not be the first - Prof Brian Cox alludes to the notion that we may be perhaps number three and somewhere/when they may be others.
I'm happy with not knowing and understanding that there are no gods. Once we look into the subject, there have been so many of them worshipped by people who knew they were right, only to be replaced by other gods and then forgot by humanity. I often wonder, why do we worship?


For some reason this makes me think of the Kris Kristofferson Lyrics from 1972. Even though he gave himself up to religion, he could still see the ironic incompatibility of what we think of as "Christ-like" in the teachings and being "Christian" in the modern era.

"Jesus Was A Capricorn"

Jesus was a Capricorn
He ate organic food
He believed in love and peace
And never wore no shoes

Long hair, beard and sandals
And a funky bunch of friends
Reckon we'd just nail him up
If he came down again

'Cause everybody's gotta have somebody to look down on
Who they can be better than at any time they please
Someone doin' somethin' dirty decent folks can frown on
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me

Eggheads fussin' rednecks cussin'
Hippies for their hair
Others laugh at straights who laugh at
Freaks who laugh at squares

Some folks hate the Whites
Who hate the Blacks who hate the Klan
Most of us hate anything that
We don't understand



Religion survives by providing an alternate voice to that of the state and other institutions.

Where ideas are concerned its a market place, where every product has to find a place. And when the state, international culture, and most human institutions embrace human rights, where does religion go to continue to find an audience who need an alternative ?


You expect MAGA to accept long haired peace loving hippie Jesus?
They'd crucify that MF, or lynch him if he's in the Bible belt.
I was sucked in by "Woke" Jesus and it pissed off so many Christians they made me see there's no Jesus at all and never has been.


If the religion is incapable to change it dies. So, what we are seeing is the evolution of religion.

And, if a religion can't appeal to a significant portion of the population, it doesn't stand a chance. Thus we see the newly acquired Christian values Wilson laments in the transformation of Jesus.

Evolving is what keeps people in the pews and keeps religion going.
Evolution !! The irony !!!


Somehow I feel there should’ve been mention of 50 million dollar planes so they won’t have to stop to refuel somewhere in there

Would that be covered under the 'Prosperity Theology'?

@RussRAB Yes it would but I was trying to make a joke


Religious people have their own personal jesus and god that believe what they believe.

We do have research to back up what you say.


Please review Eric Hoffer's The True Believer.

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