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LINK Mom Beats Up Catholic Preschool Teacher After Seeing Her Son Physically Abused | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Her son is a nonverbal two year old. The class camera showed the teacher physically abusing him, which prompted her attack on the teacher.

snytiger6 9 Sep 7

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Whooop dat ass!


I think the moral of the story is. Don't send your kids to a Roman Catholic or any other religious kindergarten.


Good for her. I agree with the thread commentator that they should both stand trial for their crimes and the punishments should keep circumstances in mind. That so-called Teacher won't be seeing freedom again anytime soon. My dad confronted a Teacher who had hit my older brother. I got hit with that Teacher's flack but think dad was a hero anyway.


I have no kids, but 2 nieces and nephew. If anyone ever tried harming them they better hope the police get them first.


Touch my kid , if I had any , touch my baby sister , and the priest won’t have enough of your body left to put in a grave . I will do prison for that . No problem .


As we have not seen the video of the teacher abusing the child but the video of the mother beating the teacher we don't really know if it is true or not. Anyway, the mother was out of control when she attacked the teacher, no matter how true the allegation was. It is not up to her to take it into her own hands to met out 'justice'. Who would it help, not the children. She should have gotten the police involved. I have several friends who are teachers and they say it is not the children who are the problem but mostly the parents, and I am not saying this is so in this case. We just don't know.


She’s lucky, I know a woman who killed her child’s abuser. She didn’t do a minute of time in prison either. People who abuse little kids deserve whatever happens to them.

Back in the 80's or 90s, a guy in Louisiana shot and killed his kid's abuser/kidnapper on the news at an airport. I have always believed that the DA knew what he was doing, or an idiot. The DA insisted on first degree murder and nothing else. Since judges, not juries in that state, the jury found him innocent as they were afraid the guy might get the death penalty. They all said they would have given him 10 years.


The mom should have got the police involved.

I agree. Although I am not too upset about her reaction either.


If have to see the video of the teacher abusing the kids. If they are as bad as she described, she should've called the police when the director wouldn't take action. I think she can still press charges on the teacher if the videos are that damaging.

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