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If there is an epicenter in the US for the opioid epidemic, it is the Kensington neighborhood in Philadelphia. I've been there half a dozen times or so passing through.

Everything you see in this video is real.

Amerika, 2021.

Mitch07102 8 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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It seems that among other things Philadelphia does not have a garbage collection or street cleaning department.

Great mayor! NOT!


One solution was safe injection sites, but that was rejected by the community because the conservatives don't want them in their neighborhood. Truthfully nobody really does. By the same token efforts to clean up North Kensington and Tioga have been squashed by liberal advocates as "targeting dependant citizens". The situation could be improved if everybody just cut the crap, on both sides, and accepted what has to be done. The situation in LA is getting this bad as well. Maybe worse.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 11, 2021

It's both a frightening and tragic scene.


It is really sad what has happened to many neighborhoods in cities all around the country.
Sadly Philly was never known as the cleanest city. The sections where the tourists hang out are kept cleaner but it's been years since I was back there to visit family.


I sure don't want to go there.

Philadelphia is a beautiful city. Don't judge it by it's worst neighborhood. Just like it wouldn't be fair for me to judge Arizona on Kingman drug infestation. Or Yuma, Arizona area, the worst entry point in the southern border for heroin, methamphetamine and illicit fentanyl. I sure wouldn't want to go there because they are too blame for much of this.

@barjoe no need to get riled up; I merely stated that I don’t want to go to that neighborhood.

@MsKathleen I do get "riled up" in defense of my country and my city. I am well aware of these problems, I live in Lower Kensington.

@barjoe I suppose you shouldn't present negative information about it, then.

@MsKathleen Not my post, it was Mitch's, but there's a lot wrong with my city. It is a great place with a lot to offer tho.

@barjoe my apologies, then.

@MsKathleen My apologies!

@barjoe As you know, Lower Kensington has become Northern Fishtown as development moves North. Old City to Northern Liberties to Fishtown, now Port Richmond and Kensington. In 20 to 30 years, people will be stunned at the transformation. I am seeing it now in the northern section of East Germantown (I live in Mt Airy) as there are now $500K townhouses popping up, In my neighborhood, we have for sale now the first $1M+ condos.

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