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LINK Capitol Police arrest man with bayonet and machete in truck near DNC headquarters - CNNPolitics

(CNN)US Capitol Police say they arrested a California man who had multiple knives in his truck, which had a swastika and other White supremacist symbols painted on it, near the Democratic National Committee headquarters early Monday morning.

Officers on patrol noticed the Dodge Dakota pickup truck around midnight on Sunday. Police say the truck didn't have a license plate but instead a picture of an American flag.

The officers pulled over the truck and noticed a bayonet and machete, which are illegal in the District of Columbia. The driver, identified as 44-year-old Donald Craighead of Oceanside, California, was arrested.

snytiger6 9 Sep 13

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The violent nuts will be gathering for their second attempt on the Capital n the 18th.

I suspect that this time they will be facing a huge police presence, if not the National Guard or both.

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