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LINK Florida woman pleads guilty to making threats against Vice President Kamala Harris - The Washington Post

Only a few weeks after President Biden and Vice President Harris were sworn into office, Niviane Petit Phelps recorded a video of herself.

“Kamala Harris, you are going to die,” Phelps said into the camera, according to an affidavit. “Your days are numbered already.”

Phelps said someone had paid her $53,000 to kill Harris, adding: “I’m going to do the job, okay.”

snytiger6 9 Sep 14

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Racists like this don’t ever have/need legitimate reasons for hating people of color. They just hate for no fucking reason. Kamala Harris is one of the brightest most well put together intelligent empathetic people on Earth. The person who needs to die is this insane murderous brainwashed lunatic

I think most racists hate out of fear. They fear that the acceptance of people of color will reduce their standing in society, and that they will have to actually work to have a similar standing, and they will be judged, not by their skin color, but on their merits alone. That scares the shit out of those who doubt the value of their own merits.


wow. well. 'Don't call us we will call you' - says every wetwork group ever.


Stupid bitch. What was she thinking? Or, rather, is she able too?


Throw the book at this ignorant bitch!


I wonder if they evaluated her for mental illness?

Not a bad dea.


She needs an attitude readjustment, and she needs to be kept in jail until she changes her attitude.


What a moron. I hope she gets the chair.

Can't get the chair, but a nice looong gov't sponsored vacation, would be nice.


I hope she serves a long time.


What a legacy for her kids! Something in the Florida water? That's why we filter before drinking.


Her name wasn't Kathy Griffin was it? Oh wait,,, never mind. 🙄

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