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People forget how the raised arm salute was very common prior to its adoption by the German Nazi party.
It was believed (incorrectly) to be the salutation of the Roman Empire, thank mainly to a few painters of the Italian renascence period.
The same can be said for the hakenkreuz which was used in heraldry as a symbol for light, in Hinduism as a sun sign and in the Catholic Church as the symbol of St. Michael. Until that is Hitler made it his flag, and the British propaganda machine renamed it from the hakenkreuz (hooked cross) to the Swastika (A Sanskrit mystic's word "svastika" meaning luck or fortune in the sense of an omen or a prophesy) to make it sound more evil.


Interesting how concerned they were about protecting women's skin from the sun, even back then.

A very pale complexion was for about four hundred years considered attractive in women, and the desire for it began the popular fad of white lead being used as a cosmetic to lighten the skin, and lead poisoning being the prime cause of death for women under 40 for the same period.


Some weird shots for sure.
That said, I was impressed by the 1930's Halloween costumes.

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