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LINK Boogaloo Militia Members Plead Guilty To Destroying Evidence

Four members of a militant group associated with the "boogaloo" movement pleaded guilty to destroying evidence after one of their own told them he had killed a federal officer, the US Attorney's Office announced Monday.

Members of the Grizzly Scouts admitted in their plea agreements to destroying messages in a WhatsApp group and trying to delete files that detailed the militant group's ranks, structure, uniforms, and assessment of members' skills following the killing of a federal officer in Oakland last year. Among the files destroyed was a nondisclosure agreement that prohibited members from talking about the group or its training.

snytiger6 9 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Good. Put a fork in them even if Grizzly Scouts is kind of a funny rip-off name. This is how such threats become known and dealt with. If the 9/18 Millabout indicates that such groups are realizing they stepped in it then our system's working.


He's seeing some major jail time.

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