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I just received a text wanting to know if I would participate in a survey about immigration and refugees. I thought I'd better do that since the people most likely to participate would be the haters.

Preliminary questions were only my religion, my date of birth and the state I lived in. When I answered those questions and clicked on continue, the response was " sorry you are not eligible to participate in this survey". Something tells me they want a slanted outcome.

Here is the link to their website in case you want to see if they are interested in your opinion.

I was surprised to learn that they are probably pro immigrant.

Lorajay 9 Sep 21

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Date of birth : it’s a No !!


Yep I'm not eligible either, and I'm "anti-immigrant," as it were. It's about the only thing about which I'm sympathetic with Republicans.


I only got as far as atheist!!
Talk about a biased survey!!


I just got, a sorry not you, notice, but that is not surprising given I am on the other side of the Atlantic.


They are probably pro-religion. If they ask questions about your religion and think you are Athiest or Agnostic, They may not want you to participate.

That might explain what happened for me, since I clicked the link directly from this site, maybe it picked up on it?


Giving your date of birth is a red flag for information gathering. I completely stopped responding to online poll requests. The legitimate ones are just looking for donations and more often than not, most are scams to collect your vital information.


Just clicking the link resulted in the same message for me. I wonder if it's tracked by state when you click it?

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