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If you’re a billionaire, how much of a philanthropist can you be!?🤔

Aaron70 8 Sep 25

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I'm sure there are many wealthy philanthropists past and present.

One that immediately sprang to mind for me was Andrew Carnegie. He personally funded more than a hundred public libraries across the nation, many of which are still operating today.

There is a beautiful example of this in the small river town of Stillwater, MN. It is a community treasure and The nicest small town public library that I have ever been in. The architecture and features of this building are magnificent.

This is an example of philanthropy that can benefit everyone, young or old, rich or poor.

He was a rare exception. Most billionaires barely donate a drop in the bucket, and go to their graves still hoarding billions while claiming to have lived the life of the philanthropist. If you think someone that stockpiles that kind of money is a kind and generous person, more power to you....
I will never have millions, let alone billions, because there’s far too many hungry people in the world....🤔


With a billion pretty generous

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 26, 2021

You don’t get to hoard billions and claim to be a generous philanthropist, it doesn’t quite work that way Bob....👀


More than a millionaire and more than someone like me.

Saying someone who hoards billions is a philanthropist, is kind of like implying a porn star is a virgin....there’s no such thing!☺️

The only real question is how he slept at night.....🤔

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