I am surprised she, as a politician, would used such strong religious reference, even if she is a Christian. However, it probbly is the only way to reach them.
It is embarrassing, sad, and pathetic that this is necessary, but we do need our leaders who are sane to somehow get more of the deluded to vax, otherwise we will never get past Covid... So I am ok with her doing what it takes, as long as she doesn't go further and indulge their wish for theocracy. If it didn't harm us, I would be fine with letting the fools die.
listen to all these agnostic sycophants, still bending over backwards to fall in line behind yet another back stabbing feminist expedient political hack and establishment douche bag. i never thought the day would come when Coumo, this genuine anti trump hero, would fall between the stones of the feminist grist mill. and all the therapy hours were supposed to believe they logged - in due to his "abuse".
you phonys can NEVER be my laytex salesman.
You have to speak in their language to have any chance to break through the wall.
I guess she is using anything she can to get through to the idiots!!