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LINK Lawsuit: Newborn baby dies after mother forced to give birth in Florida jail

(I have to wonder if they would have treated a white woman like this.)

A Black mother is suing a Florida jail after she says staff members ignored her calls for help and left her to deliver her child in a cell. The baby girl, Ava Daniels, later died at a local hospital, News 4 Jax reported. Erica Thompson said during a press conference that she was six months pregnant, having contractions, and planning to go to the hospital when deputies arrested her on Aug. 9 at her mother's house on charges of driving with a suspended license and lying to officers.

Thompson said even though she couldn't stand upright because of the pain, a nurse cleared her for booking in the Alachua County Jail. “They gave me Gatorade because they said that would stop my contractions because I was just dehydrated,” Thompson told the television station.

snytiger6 9 Oct 5

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Just one more of the right to life hypocrisies. I hope she wins a huge settlement.


I'm sure those motherfuckers claim to be prolife.

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