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The leader of this magacult appears to be of Asian descent!? ๐Ÿ‘€

Aaron70 8 Oct 15

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Seems like Asians are one of the groups the orange idiot vilifies, and have seen an exponential rise in hate crimes committed against them since he deemed covid the โ€œChinese fluโ€.
Aside from that, Iโ€™m dumbfounded any minorities at all would support someone so blatantly racist....๐Ÿ‘€

So you donโ€™t buy the bullshit in the Bible, but you buy into the left versus right political bullshit?
Just go the fuck away already dumb ass.....๐Ÿ˜

And donโ€™t even bother trying to imply that orange psychopath isnโ€™t a racist. He has attacked and vilified every minority I can think of, the very definition of of white supremacist racist. You donโ€™t see it because youโ€™re just like him and think youโ€™re above and better then POC just as he does. Which makes you the same racist hateful animal he is.๐Ÿ˜Š

Take your willfully ignorant bigoted racist ass and crawl back under the rock you just crawled out from under.
You comment on another one of my post, and your racist ass gets blocked.๐Ÿ™ƒ

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