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Even though the medical community is already explaining that Powell's death is not a vaccine failure, we know that "they" will immediately claim his death was due to the vaccine.


Gwendolyn2018 9 Oct 18

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He was 84. That sadly is beyond our design parameters. I'll be lucky to make it to that age even without pandemics.


We even have some covidiots here who say it was the vaccine that actually weakened his immune system, not the underlying cancer and other conditions. What kind of thinking is that? They are getting this misinformation from somewhere, not thinking for themselves, and parroting it outward into the masses. Crazy!


Why this Powell? Why couldn't it have been Sidney? 😟


Facts do not matter to covidiots.


But of course a vaccine that has been given to more than three billion people and may have killed about 0.0005% of those that received the vaccine is way scarier to some people than a virus that has killed nearly 5 million people.

Its like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute because you've heard that sometimes parachutes get tangled around your neck and strangle you.


Yeah, the morons are going to believe what they want to believe. Powell was the last good Republican.

Maybe not the last, but they are few and far between.

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