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10 years on from the NATO crimes against Libya driven by the Clinton\Obama led War Criminals.

"During his 42 years in power, he increased the country’s literacy rate from 25% to 88%. Libyans enjoyed free healthcare, free education, and a high standard of living. Basic necessities such as electricity and gas were cheap, and the country was guaranteed a strong social safety net and welfare programs."

"Libya is 90% desert. Gaddafi sought to provide fresh water to all Libyans for consumption and agriculture – an endeavor in which he succeeded. "

"History is littered with African, Arab and Latin leaders, killed by the United States, for daring to make their countries better and seeking to challenge Western hegemony. Gaddafi is no exception."

"There is nothing the West hates more than an Arab leader who opposes imperialism, Zionism and wants his country, and other Arab and African countries, to be self-sufficient. That is why NATO murdered Gaddafi."
The killing of Gaddafi 10 years ago has resulted in the death of the nation of Libya and the destruction of its people []

FrayedBear 9 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Freedom isn't free

In the movie : Team America: , by south park


You move to Libya. I'll stay in the United States.

What after your country fucked it up? Why would I do that Joe?

@FrayedBear Libya was always fucked up.

@barjoe Do you not believe the report above or just didn't bother to read it Joe?

@FrayedBear I read it, along with some crap about Julian fucking Assange. Basically. I don't care.

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