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LINK Trump's Social Media Platform Could Already Face Legal Issues, After Allegedly Ripping Off Code

The most recent former president’s new social media platform—goofily called The Truth Social—would appear to be sourced from derivative code that could potentially get him sued.

Fresh off his last failed business venture as 45th leader of the free world, Donald Trump has now wandered into his next act: tech mogul. After getting kicked off of Twitter, Facebook, and other major social media sites, the Don recently announced the launch of his own platform—a place where MAGA sensibilities can reign supreme, whatever that might entail.

Much has already been written about the fact that Truth Social is basically a reincarnation of Trump’s first love: Twitter. On it, you can post “Truths” (aka tweets), “Re-Truths” (retweets), and there’s also a “Truth Feed” (Twitter feed). Since Trump’s modus operandi has classically been to take something that somebody else already did, stamp his big, fat, bolded name on it, promise it’s going to be better, and then make it worse, this is pretty much par for the course.

snytiger6 9 Oct 22

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Trump seems to revel in lawsuits

Change "Trump" to "America" and you have a real Truth.

@Petter Change “lawsuits” to “breaking laws” and we have Trump’s real talent.

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