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LINK Prison Transport Officer Will Spend Life Behind Bars After Sexually Assaulting Convicts

A former prisoner transport officer will now spend life in prison himself after sexually assaulting two women that had been in his custody, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said Thursday.

A federal judge in Little Rock, Arkansas sentenced Eric Scott Kindlay, 53, to life in prison plus five years. Kindlay had previously been found guilty in March 2020 of two counts of sexual assault and possession of a firearm.

Kindlay had previously run his own private prison transport company, signing contracts with local jails and correctional facilities. He would reportedly drive throughout the country transporting people who had been arrested on out-of-state warrants.

snytiger6 9 Oct 23

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I'm sure he won't live long prison, after the inmates get a hold of him

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