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Do you know who is running your government in the USA?

Marine 8 Apr 21

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jeffy Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

It must be he sure has something on trumpie like money from their banks, prostitutes and who knows what else?


Civil servants?


trumpie and his cronies have been speaking of the dark government and everyone has been kind of dismissing his comments as baseless. However there is a dark government in the USA and it is run by the billionaries like the Kock's, Waltons and so many others of the fortune 500 families. Their aim is to retain and grow their wealth at the cost of those who are not in their club ie the other 95% of Americans. They label our social security and health insurance as entitlements because they do not need them for their families and do not wish to pay for something they cannot use. In fact they would tax the other 95 %of the people higher to maintain our country for their good . These same people are pouring money into the next election to maintain their wealth at any cost. So be advised!!! Do what you can to prevent their hold on our government!

At some point, enough of the people will wake up and there will be a bloody revolution; not against the government, but against the people you speak of.

I fear this might be true as these individuals seem above thinking that to much can be to much. They will bring this revot upon themselves and will deserve it.They are the real enemy of the peopel before even Russia and China!

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