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Would you want your movies (at the theatre) to have subtitles ? Why/not ?

AMC to Add Onscreen Captions at Some Locations

The move was lauded by advocates for the deaf and the hard of hearing, but theater owners worry audiences don’t want captions.


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FearlessFly 9 Oct 25

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Subtitles distract me from the cinematography. If I wanted to read the story I would read a book and stay home.


I don't mind subtitles. In fact, I just got home from watching a subtitled movie and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I've noticed, particularly on closed caption television shows, that the quality of the captioning is flawed enough that I'll turn it off because the inconsistency between spoken and written language makes me nuts. Hopefully theater captioning will be of a higher caliber.


I use subtitles sometimes especially for subtle dialogue. It wouldn’t be a problem for me at a theater I don’t think. It would be a more inclusive move to accommodate hearing disabled.


I hate close caption so no. Unless it's a foreign language film. No.


I don't care. I can ignore them if I don't like them. Sometimes captions are helpful.


Some filmmakers insist on actors either talking softly to the point of being inaudible, have background noise, or talk too fast. They probably can't be shamed, so subtitles work.


Yes, because then they might not turn the sound up so loud!


(at my age) I always turn-on subtitles (when available) on the DVDs (also some online videos) I watch. πŸ˜›

My eyesight is worse than my hearing. They are both not great tho.

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