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New Grand Jury Seated in Trump Probe

Love it! Trump's legal troubles continue.

New York prosecutors investigating former President Donald Trump’s business dealings have convened a new grand jury to hear evidence in the probe as the previous panel’s term was set to run out, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press Thursday.

The development comes as the Manhattan district attorney’s office is weighing whether to seek more indictments in a case that has already resulted in tax fraud charges against Trump’s company, the Trump Organization, and its longtime CFO Allen Weisselberg.

Trump himself remains under investigation after District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. led a multiyear fight to get access to the Republican’s tax records.

The news of the new grand jury was first reported by The Washington Post.


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 4

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Victory will go to those with the deepest pockets.


Good news, but I'm not celebrating until he and his henchmen are doing the perp walk.


Sooner we get that menace in prison, the better off we will be. Providing the Repubs don't nominate Santis for 2024 election.


Hopefully they can get something to stick to the Teflon Don......


At last


My feelings exactly.

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