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If the Democrats in the House don’t pass the one bill that is already done in the Senate and ready for Biden to sign, the Republicans deserve to win back their majorities in Congress. You take little victories to show you are working, and chip away at the bigger ones in the hopes of taking more seats on the next election to improve your position.
And if Pelosi doesn’t get this done tonight, Moscow Mitch will be laughing himself silly all night (only good if he chokes on the bile) long.

Barnie2years 8 Nov 5

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All the republicans deserve is a hit in their heads with a 2 X 6 and a kick in their fat butts. Remember they did not get where they are better than Democrats.


Well ain't gonna matter one fucking wit if there is not a voting rights act passed to stop the gerrymandering, voter purges and fucking off the wall voter ID bullshit measures some states are taking by claiming it's to prevent illegal voting and get big money out of our elections.

I know It's insanely frustrating.


The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed, but the second bill is still out there.


Um, no. The Republicans have zero record on anything to stand on. They haven't done anything constructive. The Democrats have had their majorities bribed out from under them by the corporations. It won't be the Democrat's fault if nothing gets done.

That’s not how it’s going to play in the media. Not even the friendly media. It will all be about how Democrats can’t get anything done, even when the had it pass with some Republican support in the Senate. The Right is much better at PR than the left.

@Barnie2years A very big part of that is how MSM management controls the content they broadcast. It is profoundly dishonest and destructive, but the MSM management secretly support the Republicans. We really don't have an honest media source of information, and that is very much a part of the ongoing coup. It is infuriating to see the city-on-the-hill get sold to Russia. Putin-Americans (MAGA) are very much an existential threat to the US and the rest of the world.

@racocn8 That may be true but it means nothing to the politics of these bills. I think Dem's may have already blown it. Carville is right, VA was a disaster (even from women who voted red), and we very nearly lost NJ. People are tired of the wokeness and identity divisions but Dem's are too smart to change their messaging. Just keep talking the way we've done for decades. Seems to be working in our minds.

@rainmanjr The Dems are adept at providing the Republicans with ammunition. Progressives and Independents walk away too easily, usually because they don't or won't understand the whole picture. AND, the Republicans can now reliably count on the Russians to assist their elections. That's a huge benefit that has yet to be discussed openly (because it would reveal the extent of their beachhead).

@rainmanjr VA was not a disaster. The media is making way too much of it as usual (following the Republican PR releases). Watch Rachel Maddow’s take on it (was posted by someone on here somewhere) for a more positive view. Watching Terry McAulif at the campaign rallies with Obama and others, his dancing looked even goofier than Trump’s! 😂 And with the Republican blitz to the dumb about CRT, it was a wonder he did as well as he did. Hacks like Carville on both sides are always pushing doom and gloom trying to get more contributions to their coffers. Nothing new there.

@Barnie2years Terry has muppet-like dancing tendencies that are goofy. I'll look for Maddow but I can't stand her presentation. She gets good stories but smugly state them and then repeats details 105X so that the viewer has turned her off before the story gets told. She is the left's hero, though. She's popular with women because she's a woman, I think.

@rainmanjr It's kind of a love/hate thing with Rachel, she does some damn good investigative reporting but damn she sure can take her time getting there. Tho I have to admit her long walk to the possible money laundering with the trump hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan - that he pulled out of in 2016 - was worth it.


You said it. Fully agree.

But how much does Bernie have to do with messing it up by forcing extravagant wishlists in those bill versions with tax the rich and give away to others?

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