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LINK FBI investigating Project Veritas links to Biden daughter's stolen diary

Federal agents searched several locations belonging to current and former members of the conservative media company Project Veritas on Thursday in an investigation involving the possible theft of a diary belonging to President Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, according to a statement from the group's website and an FBI spokesperson.

An FBI spokesperson confirmed to NBC News that “court authorized law enforcement activity” took place at an address associated with Project Veritas in Mamaroneck, N.Y., and another address on E. 35th St. in Manhattan.

The conservative group confirmed a New York Times report that the investigation involves allegations that a diary belonging to the president's daughter had been stolen. Portions of the diary were published online by a conservative website about two weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

snytiger6 9 Nov 6

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That sounds like Trump flunkies at work to help Trump win the election. It didn't work and Biden is in.

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