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LINK Gov.-elect Youngkin's underage son tried to vote twice in Virginia election, officials say

The 17-year-old son of Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin attempted to cast a ballot twice on Election Day despite being too young to vote, local elections officials said on Friday.

Youngkin’s son, who is not being named because he is a minor, tried unsuccessfully to vote at a polling place in Great Falls, Va., which was not the assigned voting location for his home address, officials told News4, an NBC News television affiliate in Washington, D.C.

Election workers turned the teen away after they determined he was ineligible to vote, Fairfax County election officials said. He returned 30 minutes later and requested another ballot before being turned away again, News4 reported.

snytiger6 9 Nov 6

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RECOUNT! We want a RECOUNT! It sounds to me like the Saudi space lasers, and the Russki Air Force sabotaged the vote!


You can almost FEEL the irony.


How Repub of him.

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