1 7

So I’m digging through this drawer that I always put ALL incoming manuals in, trying to locate the book for my Phillips TV. I happen across a standard size white envelope in the drawer, and figure I should relocate it to the box of envelopes. While walking across the room, just for shits and giggles I opened up the envelope to have a peak inside?!
I have no clue how or why Mr. Grant would come to be hanging out in my manual drawer?! Sneaky little fucker.....πŸ€”
Probably a good thing I looked in the envelope, because I would certainly have filed it in the back of the envelope box. Given I only use one envelope a month, poor Mr. Grant would likely have been imprisoned for another 7 to 8 years!!!😳
Now if I could only find that effin manual....πŸ€—

Aaron70 8 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Hold on . I have too many questions .
How he got there ? Yours or given to u ?
Grandma bday gift from long ago ?

This is a very good question indeed.....πŸ€”

Maybe someone on here prayed that Jesus give me $50!?!☺️

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