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The problem is white christians are terrified of becoming the minority here....πŸ˜‰

Aaron70 8 Nov 13

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Tough shit they still persecute us

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 13, 2021

By us, I’ll assume you mean everyone that’s not a white heterosexual christian....πŸ€”

@Buck Yup


Perhaps they are terrified that they will be treated the same way they have treated the non-white minority in retribution if the minority becomes the majority.


Yes, it is coming but didn't God create all equal in his own image?


Yes they are. White people (at least most of them) are incredibly frightened right now.

Afraid of losing their privilege.

@Beowulfsfriend Privilege they insist isn’t present? Which begs the question, why are they afraid of becoming the minority...πŸ€”

@Theresa_N I would have to disagree with β€œmost” white people being frightened right now. Many of us are delighted to see greater equality creeping in at last. It’s a certain type of white person who sees themselves as superior and fear the changes.

@Buck Prejudiced a-holes are afraid of becoming the minority because they know what goes around often comes around.

@Apunzelle Doesn’t it though. 😎

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