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LINK ‘But He’s Jewish’: The Ohio GOP Senate Race Just Went There

“Are we seriously supposed to believe the most Christian-values Senate candidate is Jewish?” asks Ohio GOP Senate candidate Mark Pukita's radio ad.

snytiger6 9 Nov 13

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As a Jewish man I'll reply that Mark can shove a very hot coal up his a$$.


He's a Republican, so who cares? He's still the enemy, if you're a Democrat.

Very good. This is the right tack for Democrats to take.

@rainmanjr That's the tack they do take. Patika's a bigot and wrong; Mandel is just wrong (and a bigot toward other groups of people, but that's beside the point).

@Storm1752 It seems to me that what's happening as a society is worth trying to take a hard, close, look at and understand both sides as much as possible. Frankly, I don't think it's that hard but do have a preference for which side wins. Democrats. I don't happen to think that we'll avoid an actual gun fight CW unless Democrats begin to understand them and back off from some of our more unkind habits so that they can have a chance to back off theirs. That doesn't seem like it will happen by my efforts so the alt is to drop this idea of polite pleading with them or expectation that they will reform. Neither is going to happen. Buy some guns, or at least one to use on yourself, and be ready because it's coming. My current guess is that Dem's lose 2022/24 and then we begin Floyd-style protests that make them start shooting. That's how it ends.

@rainmanjr Or begins. It strikes me the Christicrats know things are on the verge of crashing, but they blame all the wrong people, because they're in league with them: the plutocrats/oligarchs/corporations, which are brainless profit machines.
So it DOES look like there's no way we are capable of uniting as a country, or a world, in time to forestall a gigantic crash, possibly as soon as in about 20-30 years, if some forecasts are accurate.
The immediate problem, though, is the one you're talking about, and I couldn't agree with you more. If these "Dominion Reconstructionists" take over, look out! Are they going to be crafty about it, hoping the left lays down, or will they be as obvious as a punch in the face? Either way, the one-party theocracy will have arrived, and it's very possible things will explode.
No it's scary as a giant meteor heading right for us. I DO think the Democrats have had their chances, even before the ultra-right fanatics crawled out from underneath their rocks, but did next to nothing. We've watched them gain strength, wondering when our fearless leaders were going to wake up, but they never did, and now it could be too late to do anything, regardless of what kind of 11th hour strategy they might come up with.


Crystal pure bigotry. Just put a swastika on the elephant and own it.


Who cares what religion he belongs to. As long as he can do a good. job.




My dad was anti-semitic and a Repuglican.

Is that because fictional Jews helped fictional Romans kill a fictional Messiah?

There's that and then there is this whole old time German hatred of Jews.

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