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I'm spending the night with a friend in the city because she's taking me to outpatient surgery tomorrow. Another girlfriend brought me to her house from Shawnee so I can leave my car at home. On the way here a car flipped on the interstate right in front of us and we stopped and turned on the flashers to warn oncoming traffic. I called 911 and my friend ran back to the car. She ended up holding the woman up so she wouldn't fall back and talking to her until the ambulance arrived. When she got back to the car she had blood all up her arm. Fortunately I keep hand sanitizer in the car and a box of Kleenex so she was able to clean up.

Meanwhile the friend I'm staying at her house called and she came to get me on the interstate. When she picked me up, I grabbed my coat and overnight bag but I left my purse in the car in all the chaos and now someone else has to bring me my purse and IDs in the morning so they'll go ahead and do the surgery. I am an extremely lucky person to have friends that do all this stuff for me. I can't thank them enough so I thought I'd just brag about them.

Lorajay 9 Nov 18

Enjoy being online again!

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My surgery went well and I am comfortable thanks to the oxycodine fentanyl cocktail before they sent me home. They assured me that even if I take all 20 of OXY ones after this surgery I will not become an addict. That is enough for 5 days so I'm hoping I can quit at the end of day 2 or day 3.


Lovely caring people have lovely caring friends. It's nice, but it's not luck that you have those friends because you earnt them by being who you are. 🤗 I hope the surgery goes well.


Best wishes to you, and many thanks to your friends for looking out for you and others. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

dkp93 Level 8 Nov 18, 2021

I don’t have many friends, especially locally. My son, my ex wife and my neighbors are my only backup.

You notice none of my relatives are helping out. My son is in Thailand. Most of my grandkids are in Kansas City or California and my daughter is in Southeastern Oklahoma.

@Lorajay hope all goes all right with your procedure and you are back home and back to normal quickly!

@Barnie2years,thank you I am at home cuddling Ozzie and my friends two shih tzus. My third oxy pill was due at 10:00 a.m. and I did not need it.

@Lorajay I take as little pain medication as possible. I am taking Tylenol 500’s left over from my toe surgery. It says to take two every 8 hours, I take one at night before bed. I did take two the evening after the operation. Keep up the good work! 👍❤️


Nice friends and I hope all goes well.


A really traumatic day for you, probably the last thing you needed ahead of having surgery. We who have close friendships are the most fortunate people, your friends sound wonderful..but friendship is a two way relationship and you get out of it what you put in and I’m sure in your case you put in lots. I hope the surgery goes well for you today…you are in my thoughts! 🤗


Hope everything goes well. I'm having a colonoscopy today myself. I am afraid to fall asleep, shouldn't bought Depends lol. Good luck. I'm having another procedure on Monday. Oh well. Getting old.

Best wishes to you for your medical procedure too Joe.

I just got out of the hospital yesterday. Took an ambulance ride in Saturday. Was getting waves of dizzy spells, feeling like I was going to black out. Wanted to make sure I had help on the way in case I did. I’m really nervous about having a stroke after I saw what it did to a friend of mine. Turned out to be a bad wire from my pacemaker to the heart. Took them four days to find a slot for me in surgery, then two hours after they were shoving me out the door!

@Barnie2years I hope you're doing better.

@barjoe it’s all good, just a bit of pain where they were working, digging around. I’m on my third pacemaker, so I’m kind of used to it. I just had the delay/waiting in the hospital until they find a place to fit me in for the surgery.

@Barnie2years glad to hear they got it taken care of. I'm hopefully too late to wish you to get completely well soon since I'm just now reading about your experience.

Please continue to be cautious.


Responding in my email.


I'm guessing that you've done favors for them over the years or have such a warm personality that it's a pleasure to be around you, so they want to help you out when you need it. What I mean is that you've likely made your own luck, and that's a good reminder for us all! We all get by with a little help from our friends!


It's good to have friends like that, and please be careful

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 18, 2021
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