Thankfully Kyle Rittenhouse was cleared on all five charges! Hell the charges against were nothing but a political witch hunt and he should have never been charged to start with!
I would not agree it was a witch hunt. Why, because two people were shot dead? There shouldn't have been a trial? You don't believe that. You just hate liberals so you'll take any opportunity to get them to sit up and bark, right?
I'm ashamed to have to agree with you on ANYTHING, but I just don't think the prosecution proved it's case. There WAS reasonable doubt.
But to say it was a political witch bunt is typical of the shamelessly immoral bile that constantly drools out of your mouth and those if your fellow morons.
Kind of hard to prove a case when there was no justification for the charges to start with as it was a clear case of self defence and that’s exactly how the Jury saw it!
Too true,,,,, and funny as hell..
And so it begins.... The anti-gun, anti-right to self defense, anti-right to peacefully assemble, anti-reason liberals will start rioting in the streets, burning down their own community, attacking innocent bystanders for being white,,, etc, etc... But yeah, we're the ignorant, asinine ones.. Once again justice prevailed, and the 'woke' crybabies will start throwing a tantrum in the streets. Don't bother responding to them, Trajan61... You only give them fuel to attack.. It has been a hard lesson for me to learn, and a high hurdle to get over. I admit, when I drink too much, sometimes I lose my ability to control my keyboard..
But hey, I'm human, as I know you are. So if you have a few one night and decide to unload (pun intended
) on these fools,,, you'll get no grief from me.
PS: Loving all the angry faces there... BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
Right on!!
This ruling gives you gun nuts a free pass to go around shooting people. Promoting further violence is not a positive or healthy direction for the good ol' USA.
If the democrats in charge had did their job and prevented the looting and burning this would have never happened so what are you talking about!
@Trajan61 Get your facts straight, Jethro. The vast majority of BLM protests have been peaceful.
@Trajan61 You're a adult male who doesn't even understand how facts are established. Even I am embarrassed for you.
That you stated it was a political witch hunt and he should have never been charged really shows how ignorant and asinine conservatives have become!!!!!
Hell the judge was a democrat and I’m sure the majority of those on the jury were also democrats so what in the hell are you talking about? You libtards are the ones are ignorant and have no sense what so ever!
@Trajan61 What I'm talking about, is this country actually has a justice system that for the most part works. Whether you agree or disagree with the verdict is a personal matter. But things like equal justice and the rule of law are concepts that are way beyond your narrow and limited intellect.........
@Trajan61 Let's see your evidence that "the majority of those on the jury were also democrats".
@Trajan61 Let's see you define "rule of law" in your own words.
@Trajan61 Here's a prime example... Ask him for examples of his claims and all you'll get is crickets chirping.... You're beating a dead horse trying to reason with these people... But I admire your trying.
The not guilty part was unanimous 5 times in a row.
I think the fact that he should have never been charged is backed with factual information.
You’re just mad be cause the laws don’t support your desired outcome.
It’s the typical democrat mindset. We saw it in the democrat south when black people were charged of crimes based on the intended result rather than the facts. It’s been the democrat playbook for decades.
@CourtJester Bla, bla, bla it’s you Republicans that have made this a political thing........He was acquitted of all charges so you should be happy. Personally, I really don’t have an opinion of the verdict, but he needed to stand trial for what he did.
@Dhiltong and he did stand trial. And he wasn’t acquainted. He was found not guilty. There is a difference. Two less liberal thugs on the street. He’s a hero.
@CourtJester Bingo!!!
Something tells me you would feel differently if it were a Black kid shooting 3 white guys in "self-defense". Just a hunch.
I have nothing against black kids especially if they are sensible conservatives and pro gun.
@Trajan61 Admitting that you favor some black kids over others proves that you do have something against some black kids.
@LovinLarge Hell I favor some white people over others. Does that mean I have something against white people??
@Trajan61 By definition, it means you have something against some white people, yes. Have you considered thinking through the implications of your words before using them?
@LovinLarge You mean like the libtards on this website?
And then Biden's response was ignorant and so very wrong.
edit: I didn't comprehend what I was reading. I'm sorry you are as ignorant as the judge and jury. He should have been imprisoned for life. As for Biden's response that he respects the jury system that is what I wrote about.
I thought you supported that senile, looney idiot Biden on everything?