I'm Convinced The Upward Trends Are Due To Changes In Diagnoses. Years Ago These Kids Were Called Socially Awkward, Shy, Often Called Slow And In Other Cases Retarded.
since my grandson was diagnosed we watch lots of shows about autis
tempil grandin ... her story is one of a ground breaker and her mothers courage
a tyical is a series on net flicks very entertaining and funny shows a family struggling and succeeding
the accountant ...fictional but good
I completely agree. My 31-year-old son has high-functioning ASD. When he was diagnosed at age 6, it was only because I had a BA in psychology, and was best friends with a pharmacist at Elwyn Institute, who hooked me up with a developmental pediatrician. We knew there was something going on, but no one would then have expected autism, because he talked early, read at 18 months, and people at his preschool just thought he was gifted, but that there was "something else". He wanted to make friends, but communicated very oddly, and was obsessed with cars. He was denied every single bit of support or help in the schools, because he seemed intelligent. So, we sued the school district (after we moved...it's a long story) to get him placed in the Vanguard School. I think it help him somewhat, but he hated it. Now, he's studying civil engineering at Penn State. He just matured according to his own time line, really. My niece was the same. It's genetic.
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