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LINK U.S. relaxes restriction on abortion pill, allows women to obtain by mail | Reuters

NEW YORK, Dec 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Thursday permanently eased some restrictions on a pill used to terminate early pregnancies, allowing the drug to be sent by mail rather than requiring it to be dispensed in person.

The decision by the Food and Drug Administration comes as the right to obtain an abortion, established in the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade, hangs in the balance.

snytiger6 9 Dec 17

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Wonderful news! Terminate those pregnancies. Too many people as it is.


It's a good thing, however it doesn't stop states from still making it illegal. I believe 15 states have it as illegal. Now, the only way a state could stop an out of state order would be with a warrant or doing something illegal.

This should solve a good deal of the access problems. Great decision to make this policy change.

I think NPR reported that it is illegal in 19 states.

@snytiger6 They'd have to open your mail to find out. That's a crime without a warrant.

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