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Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way.

Franz Kafka.

Jolanta 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I like to think that a person's capacity to love can expand enough to continue including new things to love, and we still might love the things we no longer have.


Overly optimistic


Franz was delusional.
We lose a lot of shit that hurts as we travel through life.
We get none of it back.
Dead relatives, broken marriages, abandonment by lovers, children growing up and going to live their own lives, dead pets, lost fortunes.
The hardest lesson to learn is that absolutely nothing means anything in the end.
Especially if you're nursing a broken heart. It took me years to get over many things, and some I still haven't gotten over, but I know the way. It's just not easy to write off family, but sometimes it has to be done.
Kafka was an incurable romantic and far to optimistic for the "real" world.

Maybe he was a romantic but in my book it is better to be optimistic than not.

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