Until I get back from my appointment elsewhere
what year is this?...after a while, it isn't 'dirt' but that individual who lives in your sink...best to toss it a cookie every once in a while...no longer is there an unclean knife in the sink, but an armed life form...treat accordingly.
I was going to ask what month, I think you beat me both ways. I have this vague hope that one day it will be full of nice fresh mushrooms.
When it tries to eat you, it's time to do something....
@Holysocks MORE COOKIES!
Mmm....Typewriter! Nomnomnom...
1 day... i can't stand a dirty kitchen.
It’s an insult to the eyes!
@EmeraldJewel yes it is...
Don't judge me!!??!?
You won’t be judged. Wink.
I actually have a broken dishwasher right now, but I was about to start a kitchen remodel, so it's all hand washing. They might sit for a couple of days.
Not that long-dishwashers are a wonderful thing.
I mostly clean up as I cook, but the after dinner dishes wait until the next morning. I put the coffee on and do the dishes......
...only minutes, if possible, in culinary school, chefs are drilled to "clean as you go" -- start clean, end clean. But, the general rule is ...never go to bed with anything in the kitchen needing cleaned. EVER.
just cling film all your plates... never do a dish again!
I find it best to wash them immediately after use unless I’m hosting guests. Doing this keep me not let them pile up and become a thing.
Living in Florida, I usually wash them and clean the kitchen when the meal is done. I never leave them overnight - even after hosting a party. Nor do I leave garbage in the house overnight. I don't like roaches and ants or the insecticide required to keep them out of the house because of feeding them. There still is the occasional cockroach that will drive me nuts. Once they get in your house, it's really hard to get rid of them.
We put them in the dishwasher as we use them. I like my kitchen to be clean.
I have 6 kids so sometimes I have no choice...we "run out" of dishes before I even realize it...so then my wife or I have to clean them unless we want to eat off the floor.
I do them after dinner, if while cooking I can already sense my disdain for doing them I’ll break out the paper plates, unless I’m making soup, I hate how soup runs off the edges of a paper plate.
Hahaha! Dang plates!
I will not leave them in the sink, If I don't get to them right away, my roommate will.