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How is it intelligent to assume other people are dumb?

Would that be, why you would care what they think of you? That gives them power to control your feelings about yourself and your beliefs of your intelligence. Experience has taught the less you care what people think of you, the more they care what you think of them.

"If people always accuse you of being dumb, and always dismiss whatever facts you present to them if it contradicts their narrative then does that make you a dumb person because everyone else says you are?"

This has nothing to do with actual intelligence and more to do with emotional maturity. If you are secure in the belief that you are intelligent, people's reaction to you should not matter. If you let it get to you, then you are an emotionally immature person. These are tactics that will always be done by people who disagree with you. A good rule to remember when discussing a topic with anyone is that when they resort to name calling, you've won the argument. This only means they can no longer defend their position and must engage in personal attacks.

"And what good would intelligence be if everyone thought you were just dumb?"The only person who can make you feel dumb is you.

Castlepaloma 8 Dec 26

Enjoy being online again!

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We are the sum of our aquaintances, throughout our lives we're going to meet people of various intelligence levels or of intelligence in various contexts. Maybe intelligence or a form thereof is gathering something valuable from every aquaintance, always adding to that sum. Maybe regarding someone as dumb is dumb.

I have the ability to make fun of a mentally ill person and make him laugh. How? because I didn't ignore him like most people and also make fun of my own flaws. Now totally totalitarianism be careful about you ampathy on this one.

Only 30% are Totalitarianism vaxxers & $ worship billionaires. The other 40 to 60% sense these vaccines are BS yet don't want to be social out cast from the narriative, so they go along. This can only lead to more for the 1% and less for us continuously.


My family always treated me like I was not the smart one. I was the one who read books, expected more than to be entertained, listened to outside influences.....and actually listened.

A mother full of "poor me, woe is me " theatrics. Anger from the rest of them influenced me. Being emotionally immature (who wouldn't be in this dynamic?), I joined the crowd for many years as my young life became worse and worse.

Now I've wisened up, and I live with regrets. But the good part of being wise, Is I have found satisfaction in where I am and who I am. One has to.

My family? Well for the worst of them, fuck 'em. They start their shit, I'm done. There is nothing to save. I have no illusions or feelings.
Forgiveness however is still the best course

twill Level 7 Dec 27, 2021

I'm sure you have wised up in many ways. The big one is that your thinking for yourself. I don't know anyone who has a fully functional family these days. Families were doing better when I was growing up.

Everyone in my family told me I would starved to death as an artist. Being an artist, was the best decision I ever made for most waking hours of my life, now they all love it. Don't throw out the family, they are most important for your history.

Two most important things for happiness, is your health and what one can forget. Don't regret your pass, only regret what you don't do protentially in the future.

@Castlepaloma I'm talking about my Nuclear Family from the 60's/ 70's


I was too, about them being against me being an artist, yet turned them all around to be positive and loving force family today.
How do you get along with your family today?

@Castlepaloma Okay, but distant.
One brother lives down the street we get along, but he does not communicate well...almost deaf, yet talks too much. But he's a good guy
One FaceBook sister disaster, but we get along in person. She was THE bitch growing up.
Another sister deeply Christian, we get along real well, tho we rarely see each other.

A nutty brother in Texas who has been infected with evangelicalism. And he always had a superiority about him. Great combination ! I burst that bubble long ago....we don't speak.
A bum brother. We get along, but I am careful not to enable him.

Holidays/ special occasions are good but day to day no real relationships.

How about you?

Sound like when you have improve as your family realationships improve some.

My brother is a lurtherin pastor, we love each other and get along alright, it just we don't hang out much. My daughter in this woke movement, a little difficult to understand, yet she is the love of my life. Family is a strong part of my happiness. Wish the best for yours.


Are you sure? I watched a spaghetti western recently that played with sub titles and the town they were in had English names for the saloon, hotel, general store, etc., etc.

What would the point be? Is any of these westerns historical correct or have healthy lessons. I love some of the nature spots.

@Castlepaloma The point is that the towns businesses should have names displayed in the same language that the residents speak. This has nothing to do with lessons or anything historically correct. Also nothing to do with a nature spot or defending anything. I'm telling you that the Cantina was a Saloon and that was kinda dumb. 🙂


Not alot of difference between Saloon and cantina arrived from the Mexican bars. Even though I'm a history buff, too many lies in history to go by well on.

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