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LINK Ungerrymandered: Michigan’s Maps, Independently Drawn, Set Up Fair Fight

A citizen ballot initiative took redistricting out of the hands of partisan legislators. The result: competitive political districts — and an example of how to push back against hyperpartisanship.

snytiger6 9 Dec 30

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bobwjr Level 10 Dec 31, 2021

If only that were true everywhere.
I hope somehow the electoral system will survive the coming two elections, and the cancer being spread by Republican operatives in up to 26 red states at present, and potentially many more in the near future.
To many, the fear is this blatant, anti-democratic rigging, now underway, will lead to authoritarian, permanent, one-party rule...
If this happens as planned, the U.S. as we know it will cease to exist.


We tried and initiative petition on that issue but couldn't get enough signatures. Hopefully we will try again.


PA has promised transparency and citizen input, then kind of went right back to their crap old ways of favoring their own Party.

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