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Fitness Singles deleted this scammer's profile. Well done, everyone!

Thank you all for your astute and funny replies. You were right: he's a scammer.

Claimed to be a dentist in Los Angeles. Dentist have straight, white teeth. His look nasty.

Today Fitness Singles replied to my report:

Hello Kathleen,

We have just removed this profile. Thank you so much for your assistance.

These are quite possibly the oddest photos I've ever seen and it looks more like a wax figure than it does a real person. That said, there was not much else to go on but you did point out some details that are interesting and make sense. The main thing is that this "person" claimed to be moving to several different locations all at the same time. He was telling different people different locations, as you also pointed out. That's a dead giveaway.

We do not read member's messages unless and until a report is made and it becomes necessary to investigate the matter. So, thank you for your report that provided the impetus for us to take that step, allowing us to determine the unquestionable inauthenticity of this profile.

Great work and thank you again. Best wishes moving forward!

Fitness Singles Customer Support

Dentist or scammer?

LiterateHiker 9 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Unity Level 8 Jan 5, 2022

Thought so. Well done!!!


Your comments helped convince me to report the scammer. Thank you.

@LiterateHiker, you're welcome.


Oh my, is Madame Tussauds missing a member?!


Straight out of the 80's TV Series, "V" ... There is a Lizard face under that make-up 😂.


Who said earth girls are easy?


If and if he's real, which I doubt, to me, he looks like who survived from Fire accident with 80% of the injuries and had complete plastic surgery 😐

Diaco Level 7 Jan 5, 2022


That's just all kinds of messed up.


I'll miss him. He was a good, although only recent friend. I never knew his name, but his spirit and vigor were abundant. His intelligence belied his rather staid, almost wooden, stiff ...Plastic ! personality.

Take care new/ old friend. May you find many loves ( A lotta HOT sex!) in your many travels. And HEY DUDE...throw me a an unused or leftover phone number from one of the many chicks and babes you are sure to use and then discard like candy wrappers !

twill Level 7 Jan 5, 2022

I try to not be too judgmental, but "creepy weirdo".

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