I haven't had cable for 4 years, just Netflix and rabbit ears. I personally got sick of high cost and crappy service.
Anyone else?
I am not a cord cutter, but that's only because I never had a cord to begin with. We never had cable as a child, and as an adult I never saw the point in $100+ a month for 100 channels of stuff I won't watch when I can get 7 channels of stuff I won't watch for free.
I've been thinking about it. I just dropped the HBO, Movie Channel, and the other prim services and only got a $10/month decrease in cost. I watch a lot of sports, I'm concerned they would go away if I get rid of TV. Mine is a cost concern, the service quality is OK.
Yep, for about five years, I think... Had NetFlix and Hulu. Amazon Prime starting streaming vid somewhere along the way. We dropped Hulu (H had nothing that NF did not also have) and added in HBO Now solely to watch "Game of Thrones".
Funny. We used satellite before cutting (rabbit ears are pointless out here). After cutting, we had Charter run a cable for using their internet. We got weekly calls to add in Charter cable, which got tiresome. Eventually a rep asked what it would take for us to switch to cable. Two words: Quality Programming. That was years ago. Charter has not called us since!
All I have are Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and HBO now. No need for cable for me
If it wasn't for my wife insisting on having cable TV, I would have cut the cord a long time ago. Cox Cable's service is abysmal, their channel packaging options suck, and they gouge you at every opportunity.