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LINK GOP governors play down Omicron 'hysteria' while also asking for help

TALLAHASSEE — Republican governors are downplaying the rapid explosion of new Covid infections — but they still want Joe Biden’s help stopping it.

Governors in Florida, Texas, Nebraska, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina have all recently made it clear: No shutdowns and no vaccine mandates. Gov. Ron DeSantis this week criticized some states that tried to staunch the spread of omicron infections, saying, “If you look at what’s going on in other states, they are letting hysteria drive them.”

snytiger6 9 Jan 7

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I’m so scared



OMICRON is NOT a variant of DELTA.

The majority of COVID hospital patients is the result of FEAR...Omicron is a common cold.

But, the DEMS are all about scaring the shit out of everyone.


Scientists say Omicron is about 10-20% less serious than Delta. However it is more than three times as contagious. So, even though it is less dangerous for an individual, because more than three times as many people will get it, the death counts will continue to climb.

As for your ridiculous claim about Omicron just beign like a cold, that is what republicans claimed when it first emerged back in 2020, over 800,000 (confirmed) deaths ago. Omicron is still killing people and the death counts are still climbing.

Explaining how.... Lets take the conservative side of scientists estimates and say that Omicron is only 80% (0.8) as deadly. However, it is more than three times as contagious. So, 0.8 X 3 = 2.4. Now take away 1 for the death tolls already established by Delta and that leaves 1.4 or a 140% increase in the death tolls above where we were with Delta. Actual numbers may be a little less than the raw math indicates, as there are other variables not so easily calculated at play.

Now let's look at vaccination rates. About 80% of the U.S. is vaccinated. However the 20% that isn't vaccinated is almost all republicans and other far right groups. However, if we say republicans make up half of the population, than it is about 40% of republicans that isn't vaccinated. The unvaccinated are the most at risk group for contracting and dying of Covid. So almost all the unvaccinated who die are republicans or others on the far right. Those who die will not be voting in future elections. I suspect there will be some surprise wins for democrats in 2022 and/or 2024. Simply because republicans supported policies that killed off mostly their own voters.

An important note is that 800,00 is only confirmed deaths. That means there may be more Covid deaths that have not been confirmed. Actual deaths could be much higher, but just not reported. This may especially be true in republican controlled states where politics plays a role in reporting death counts.

Let me be clear. I am not happy about people dying no matter who they are. I just looked at the facts and predicted a possible and logical outcome based on available data.


Let's hope hospitals start deprioritizing those who are unvaccinated (unless they have a medical excuse). Darwin, please have at them.


And most of those governors are in Southern states that let religion guide them instead of rational thought. They are reason the pandemic is strong as it is.


Lying and hypocrisy is all the Republican Party have to hold onto. This is what happens when you have no ideas and still want to hold on to power.

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