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Tai Chi

Does anyone here practice Tai Chi?
If so, how long have you practiced and how do you like it?

Unity 8 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Off and on for years!!!

Lately just have not taken the time!!!

I used different movements throughout the day without realizing it!!!


I took a certification class to teach Tai Chi for the elderly and I love it! I need to practice it more to offer classes.


I've considered taking up the practice myself. I understand it's great for aging bodies! Following this post to see what others have to say about it.

dkp93 Level 8 Jan 10, 2022

Same here. Right now many places aren't offering on-site lessons. I really prefer not to learn virtually

@Unity Unfortunately, you may have to for the time being! Maybe the spring will bring classes back. Seems like every time I see people doing tai chi on TV, they are in a park and naturally distanced.

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