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LINK Judge: Man Convicted of Sex Assault Can Join Military or Go to Jail

(As he was previously in the military, I don't think going back to the military would "straighten him out" or have a positive result.)

A Kentucky judge ordered an Army veteran convicted of sexual assault to rejoin the military or go to jail, The State Journal reported Friday.

Brandon Scott Price, a 28-year-old former prison guard, was convicted of sexually assaulting a female inmate at the Franklin County Regional Jail. Price was initially charged with third-degree sodomy, which is a Class D felony, but he pleaded down to a lesser charge of second-degree assault, a Class A misdemeanor, his attorney told Insider.

snytiger6 9 Jan 13

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I agree with the first paragraph of your post.


Inadvertently suggesting a favorable comparison between prison and the military. As if being in the military is a suitable punishment for rape.

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