This could have been said as: "Handicapped people are here so we will have someone to make fun of who cannot harm us for doing so." "One might also think that they are here so they can turn the other cheek and then we can hit them twice." "Hire the handicapped as they are fun to watch." This one is my favorite and I have a slight case of Tourette's and occasionally I am a blast to watch. I do not take myself seriously and it is quite funny, especially if it scares someone else really badly and they jump or yell.
OMFG, no, that is just so much crapola.
@JennyRad Yeah, I know. I seem to have been unfriended by most of the rabid posters of religious kaka, thank goodness... The rest I just scroll by and roll my eyes. Or if it is really egregious I will comment with a pointed remark. And likely get unfriended again It's all good.
@JennyRad I found that out about some of my extended family. One of my cousins was a "flower child" when we were young, and then we lost touch. She passed a few years ago. My other/older cousins set up a group of extended family and I joined. One of my flower child cousin's children was on the group. OMG, he was.... about as diametrically opposite of me as he could be. After he made some snarky comments on some of my postings I took the life is too short approach and blocked him. Turns out his Flower Child mama got bit by the religion bug and drank the damn koolaid. There are very few of my cousins that I really care about, I don't care if our moms were sisters. If you follow religions or Donnie Boy blindly I don't give a rip for what you have to say or who our grandmas and grandpas were.