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LINK Exclusive: YouTube shuts down two Oath Keepers channels - Axios

YouTube has deactivated two channels linked to the Oath Keepers militia group whose members have been charged in relation to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the company told Axios.

The big picture: Social media platforms that were used to plan or promote the Capitol attack have moved with varying degrees of speed to bar the accounts involved.

Driving the news: YouTube deactivated one channel named "Oath Keepers," which had fewer than 45,000 subscribers, and another belonging to the group's national leader Stewart Rhodes, which had fewer than 20 subscribers.

The channels broke the platform's creator responsibility guidelines, YouTube said. []

snytiger6 9 Jan 21

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Good for UTube for doing the right thing. I hope they find and deactivate the rest of them. This country will be better off.

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