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LINK Boebert Asked If Jewish Capitol Visitors Were "Reconnaissance"

Rep. Lauren Boebert 🌈 left a group of Jewish visitors to the Capitol bewildered Thursday morning when she asked them if they were doing "reconnaissance" after seeing them at an elevator at the Capitol.

Members of the group, which was meeting with Rep. Tom Suozzi, were wearing yarmulkes, and the person coordinating the group is Orthodox, with a traditional beard.

One witness said the group, along with other members of Congress, was waiting for an elevator. When the doors opened, Boebert stepped out of the elevator and looked the group of visitors “from head to toe,” the witness said. Boebert then asked if they were there to conduct “reconnaissance.”

snytiger6 9 Jan 21

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My dog is smarter

My morning bowel movement is smarter than her.

@snytiger6 better looking too!!


She's a racist asshole.


Projection much? ( but no conscience to feel guilt).

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