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Steep hike with an 80-year-old. It was nice not being the slowest.

Last June.

Karen and Hannalore (eighty) and I hiked from the Mission Ridge Ski Area parking lot up to 6,000-feet elevation, gaining 2,000-feet elevation (and loss) over five miles total. That shows you how steep it was.

Construction of new lifts forced us up a steep ski run. Sharp, sliding rocks underfoot drove us sideways and up even steeper runs.

It was scary. Unable to stand safely, I scrambled uphill on hands and feet at times.

Hannelore, who used to hike with us, is out of shape and struggles with vertigo and dizziness, especially at elevation. A German immigrant, she stubbornly refused to give up. "Atta girl!" I cheered.

"These rock slides remind me of World War II in Germany," Hannelore said. "My family hiked high in the mountains over rock slides to get away from the bombing. When bombers flew overhead, we had to lie flat."

Karen (trail name Compass) led us through trees looking for Clara and Marion Lakes below. In the trees we spooked a large buck with antlers. Saw extremely fresh bear poop. We sang to avoid surprising the bear. I led a funny, rousing camp song, "Bear in Tennis Shoes."

Ahead, the sky lightened through the trees. We stepped into a high alpine meadow filled with wildflowers. It was beautiful.

Descending was so steep, all three of us sat down and slid on our butts in places. "Even I think it's way too steep," Karen said. We were bushwhacking, not my favorite thing.

With bare legs, arms and hands, the ladies got into painful stinging nettles. I didn't because I was wearing gloves, long sleeves and long pants. (Rim shot)

Suddenly Hannelore shrieked! She had tripped and rolled downhill. "I'm DONE," she said firmly. "Call a helicopter!" We checked her over: no broken bones. Happily, I managed to jolly Hannalore out of grouchiness. It was fun making her laugh. After that, Karen and I kept Hannalore between us. "Put your feet where I step," Karen told her. (Yeah, right. Karen is part mountain goat.)

Karen and Hannelore were dangerously slipping and sliding in popular Hoka trail shoes with lousy traction. I didn't slip in sturdy Lowa hiking boots with Vibram soles. (Slam dunk).

With difficulty, we bushwhacked down to the lower section of Lake Clara and Marion trail. Turned left and took another trail down to the car. It was lovely walking on a proper trail.

It rained during the last mile to the car. Out came the raincoats.


  1. High alpine meadow was filled with wildflowers.

  2. This area was tricky to walk in. The "V" was filled with branches. We ate lunch in the "V" out of the wind. A little farther down, we each found a spot to sit.

  3. Hannalore (front) and me butt-sliding down a ski run. It's steeper than it looks. Karen took this photo with her phone. Iphone photos lack depth of field and look flat.

  4. Red Spotted Lily. Looks like Hawaii.

LiterateHiker 9 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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If she sent the photo from her phone and you have an android is what causes that...something about the file conversion screws with the photos. Video is even worse!


You're right. I have a Samsung android phone.


That sounded like a fun you not use hiking poles? I started using them back in the 90's and I swear by them. Made the downhills so much more manageable...


Of course I use hiking poles.

@LiterateHiker the sliding down on the butt part is what caused me to ask...😁


With super-steep terrain, poles don't always make it possible to descend safely.


Great story and photos as always, I love reading about your hikes and look forward to the photos.



bobwjr Level 10 Jan 31, 2022

Beautiful, and reminds me of the Columbia Gorge!


Great pictures and a good story. Thanks.

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