FoxNews whooping it up over Whoopi. Meanwhile Fucker Carlson is a card carrying Nazi and they sing his praises. ABC has higher standards? Ya Think?
I am a Jew and tend to dislike Goldberg (as a person. She regularly performs at an ex-employer of mine and she wouldn’t tip anyone but clearly expected to be paid attention to), but I think The Center is wrong about this perceived slight. It was generous of her to apologize so I’ve gotta give her that. She’s not a generous person.
Rich people who don't tip are flat out pieces of shit. Mr Pink was a fictional character.
The issue appears to be that the Nazis considered Jewish people to be a lesser race even though, as Whoopi said, being Jewish is not a race. I knew a Jewish atheist once. He said being Jewish is an ethnicity. Whoopi is right, the Holocaust was not about race.
The Roma's may disagree
@puff Their disagreement would only be based in fact if they can prove that being Jewish is a race.
@LovinLarge The Nazis were racists. They believed in a superior race. The Aryan race. The Jews were an inferior race. Racism is not just about black and white.
@barjoe No one said racism is just about black and white, including Whoopi. No one said the Nazis weren't racists, although being Jewish is not and never was a race and I already acknowledged the mistaken Nazi belief about this. Race and ethnicity are not synonymous, in fact the whole issue of whether distinct races even exist is up for debate. The Holocaust was not about race, it was about the genocide of minorities including and primarily the Jewish.
The problem with Liberals is we are hardest on our own. And the dick head Conservatives love it! When it is one of their own they lie, deny, cover and project on to others. And the Democrats, like cats get distracted and don’t screw down on their assholes.