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Is this guy single??? My kinda weird!!!! 👏 😬😬

Giant Spider "Steve" Lives in Man's Car For Over a Year

SeaGreenEyez 9 Feb 6

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I name all my spiders Bob. In the summer there are certain spots in the corners of the windows spiders will live, build webs, and grow to some pretty large sizes. They are great fun to watch. I leave them alone and let nature takes its course. It's not weird, it's nature.

I've always called all of mine Boris, starting long before anyone had ever even hears of our "Fearless leader"


Australia is lousy with creepy crawlies, so no surprise some people there just go ahead and accept them. I like animals and go out of my way not to hurt them, but driving around with that on my drivers' side visor? Seriously?


Well why not?!? I knew it had to be Australia - land of things wonderful, large, small and many that can seriously fuck you up.
No to spiders living in my car. WTF will he do if she has babies?

Well since she is locked in his car and there are no signs of a male, if she does have off spring, either she is the virgin spider Mary, or he and she are a lot closer than man and pet should be.


I had a pet orange for over 20 years. It was so low maintenance. There were no vet bills, no feeding it, and no waste to deal with. Alas, it started falling apart and crumbled to dust. A very sad day. Granted, it was not a giant spider and maybe not weird enough for you, but it is all l could come up with at the moment.

@SeaGreenEyez l love cats! ❤

I honestly once worked with a guy who had a pet paper clip, great big thing (about 6" ) he took everywhere and wore on his jacket lapel to and from work.


a friend of mine has a pet tarantula

Sure, you don't mean you know a tarantula who has a friend of yours as a pet?

@LenHazell53 His wife would say so! She freaks out every time it molts as she thinks there's now two of them.


That's my kinda guy too, as long as the spider isn't poisonous!


Only in Australia.


Fuck all of that.

@SeaGreenEyez No way. You're talking to a guy that smothers his home in Conquer to kill the fuck out of every creepy crawler that unwittingly wanders inside.

If I were to own anything it would be a kitten, and that kitten would poop in the toilet.

@SeaGreenEyez I'm like Elmyra from Tiny Toons when I'm around cats. Straight up want to squeeze them to death they're so cute. Sometimes I'm the kitty whisperer and people be like, "How the fuck you holdin' that cat that hates everyone?" Those are my best days. My last two cats pooped outside. Chandler started to learn to poop in the toilet, but he was already full grown and the thing got too flimsy when I started taking the rings out.


We had some tarantulas in a cigar box and it didn't occur to us they could push the top up and escape. We never told my friends mom and apparently they either died or got out of the house.



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