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Anybody else think it’s creepy?

I have never been comfortable with the idea that so-and-so was “looking down at me from heaven.” I’ve always thought, well really? When I’m taking a shit? During sex, whether with someone else or alone? When I’m sleeping? I mean, how creepy can you get? I’ve informed relatives that if this is somehow an option after they die, please just leave me alone and remember me the way I was when they were with me at appropriate times with my knowledge.

Jenmcjen 6 Apr 23

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It's more than creepy. I always think people who are comforted by the thought of their dead loved ones watching them demonstrate a childish naïvety.

JimG Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

I was just talking with my husband and sons about this. I remember being a kid and someone telling me that my great grandmother was in heaven looking down on me, and thinking that was weird. Now, it's even more creepy when I think about it. I


Hmm I think for some it's a means of comfort but also is meant to be a way to instill fear and morality in others. After all, religion and subsequent beliefs are a means of controlling a population.


God: A Peeper, A Creeper, and a Serial Killer. Either he isn't Real or Satan is in Charge.


Considering that the very concept of god is a human invention, it follows that humans are creepy to invent such a creepy idea of a divine being. Cui bono? well what could be a better way to keep people in line than to get them to believe that they are under constant surveillance by a judgemental and vindictive divine being that will punish them for eternity if they don't toe the line?


There is no big daddy in the sky, doling out rewards or punishments.
& now...thanks to you...i will think about the heavenly godhead "whiffing my dookies"❣?
Thats hilarious
Thanks for THAT??

Emme Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

You ever just lay a good one and before you send it on its merry way just look up into those cheap 60w bulbs above and say, "See?! Look at what you made me doo!" I'm certain my cat would give me a look of concern for my sanity before she knocked something else off the counter.


When I first heard this at age 17 I remember thinking how cool could heaven really be if Grandpa is spending all his time watching me jerk off.

Just kidding, but that is a creepy idea.


Sorry, I just can't let things like that own any space in my head.I smile and move on. I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are well meaning.


Yeah I have always thought it was creepy too, my mom watching me have sex with my now ex? Too Creepy!


OMG, WTF. You mean to say that our heavenly father is really Uncle Pervy?

It isn't like it is all right there in His book or anything. 🙂


And why is is always looking down on us? By that measure maybe they're looking up at you from hell. Which is even creepier if you think about.

Haha good point. But the whole delusion of religion is that for each person, they know that THEY are going to heaven, because obviously theirs is the right one.

Creepy perhaps but I get the last laugh as I'm metaphorically t-bagging at that point.


I never did think it creepy back in the day. I guess as a kid I never figured out how god would pay that close attention to everyone at once. He seemed to be doing a right shit job of paying attention to prayers, even really important ones, so I didn't see how he could watch me take a dump.

You're right though, if literally true it would be ... prurient interest I guess is the term ...


I like Carlin's take on the idea. You can find it on YouTube.


Sounds like haunting someone… Being active on this site has filled in a lot of gaps between myself and the religious; there are those in between. People who may not agree, or totally believe various religious tenants, but have had them so programed into their psyche that it’s taking their entire adult lives to purge them.

My parents weren’t perfect, and the extended family is likely as f’ed up as any… but I am so ‘thankful’ I didn’t have that kind of nonsense inflicted on me during childhood… Actually takes me back to hearing such stuff for the first time from childhood friends ..before backing away slowly.. Creepy, definitely.

Varn Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

yes he's a fucking pervert


I had never given it much thought along those lines. NOW, however, I am going to have to get yet another super special tinfoil hat to protect me from the creepy spiritual stalkers. 😀


I sure hope it is not true. There's stuff I do I wouldn't want my dead mom looking in on.


That’s not too much to ask?


There's nothing creepier than sex through the prism of religion. Some of those practises begger belief 🙂


Unless it's Santa.


Puts "dogging" in a whole new light! It's religiously sanctioned!


I hear ya... I never let that bother me.... i never really cared... my fear of failure kept me studying other crafts so i would be one up on the other guy.


Well, that's enough to get anyone to stop believing! But not to worry... most of us here are pretty sure that's not happening. Thanks for giving us all the creeps for a few moments, tho. Love your line, "I became atheist through studying the bible." Priceless.

#1 method for turning atheist I think.


It's no worse than their imaginary god looking! Both images are creepy.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

We already know the Christian God is a perverted sadist. I mean all the people he demands humanity must kill and how and why. And of course they get to keep the 12 year old virgin girls for later. How convenient for them...

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