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Being a good tipper is a good thing.

I put up an order to InstaCart about 20 minutes ago and the shopper has checked out already.

BufftonBeotch 8 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Another one this evening.
Jumped on before I had technically completed the etcetera bits of the order.

People who don't tip complain that they should receive the same service I enjoy.


My stepson is making his living right now doing delivery services.

I generally tip 20%. More if the weather is bad.
I love being able to get nearly any restaurant's food delivered now.
Pizza and sometimes Chinese used to be the only options.


We have to tip well, some of these employees are getting ripped off!

My orders with InstaCart and GrubHub or whatever food delivery are jumped on almost immediately.
You get what you pay for.
As with anything.


Always was

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